Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Gospel Institute?
Gospel Institute is a 2 year New Covenant education, focusing on the spiritual realm, the realm of faith – what God knows true about us. Through a variety of courses, taught by a diverse + accomplished group of New Covenant instructors from across the country, students will grow in God’s grace + intimacy with Jesus to move beyond the understanding of saving grace to empowering grace.
What is the Gospel?
The Gospel is the declaration of good news: that Jesus did what you couldn’t do, for you, as you.
What is the New Covenant?
We are New Covenant believers, in other words, we believe that Jesus really meant what He said on the cross: “It is finished.” We don’t do in order to get, Jesus did it all. We rest in Jesus’ finished work. We no longer work through our self-efforts to attain what Jesus has already provided us, we allow the Spirit of Christ to work in and through us.
Why Should I Enroll?
The question is, why would you not? The content of the Gospel Institute is a breath of fresh air to New Covenant believers. Courses will be comprised of Gospel revelation from instructors that have spent years soaking in this Gospel of grace + have personally walked through what they teach. You will not only catch God’s heart, but also have a language to accompany your New Covenant revelation. Every good thing that God has already provided to you in Christ will be shared in a simple, yet powerful New Covenant language to create a culture in you that will resonate in your personal life, relationships, ministry, business + in every part of your being.
Can anyone be a part of Gospel Institute?
Absolutely. We encourage everyone to hear this teaching.
Can I be a part of Gospel Institute if I am enrolled in another college?
Absolutely. Gospel Institute is designed with a flexible schedule that will fit into anyone’s schedule.
Is there someone that I can talk to about Gospel Institute before I sign up?
Yes, please contact Gospel Institute via email at go*************@ca***********.cc. We will be more than happy to bring clarity to your questions.
Is this course accredited?
No, there is not an accreditation currently associated with Gospel Institute. These courses are designed to grow you deeper in the Gospel + the language of the New Covenant.
How much does it cost?
Classes for Gospel Institute are $75 per course! Payment will be due upon the start of each course.
Can I drop out at any time?
No need! Since you pay for one session at a time, there is no need to “drop out.”
Will I need to purchase a textbook?
Other than your bible or bible app, we recommend purchasing the books referenced in each course. No additional textbooks required!
Will there be an exam or final for this course?
No finals here! However, there will be a short quiz at the end of these courses.
Is GI online only or will there be live classes?
Right now, we offer online only.
Can I work online at my own pace?
With Gospel Institute you are able to set your own pace + determine how fast or slow you want to go to. We want the program to work for you!